Global Warming’s Six Americas, 2009: An Audience Segmentation Analysis

Mar 7, 2009 | All Categories, Reports, Reports, Six Americas

One of the first rules of effective communication is to “know thy audience.” Climate change public
communication and engagement efforts must start with the fundamental recognition that people
are different and have different psychological, cultural, and political reasons for acting – or not acting – to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This report identifies Global Warming’s Six Americas: six
unique audiences within the American public that each responds to the issue in their own distinct way.

The six audiences were identified using a large nationally representative survey of American adults
conducted in the fall of 2008. The survey questionnaire included extensive, in-depth measures of
the public’s climate change beliefs, attitudes, risk perceptions, motivations, values, policy preferences, behaviors, and underlying barriers to action. The Six Americas are distinguishable on all
these dimensions, and display very different levels of engagement with the issue. They also vary in
size – ranging from as small as 7 percent to as large as 33 percent of the adult population.

The Alarmed (18%) are fully convinced of the reality and seriousness of climate change and are already taking individual, consumer, and political action to address it. The Concerned (33%) – the
largest of the six Americas – are also convinced that global warming is happening and a serious
problem, but have not yet engaged the issue personally. Three other Americas – the Cautious (19%),
the Disengaged (12%) and the Doubtful (11%) – represent different stages of understanding and acceptance of the problem, and none are actively involved. The final America – the Dismissive (7%)
– are very sure it is not happening and are actively involved as opponents of a national effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

This report introduces these Six Americas by briefly describing each audience and highlighting how
they differ from one another; it concludes with detailed demographic, attitudinal, and behavioral
profiles of each group. This research provides essential knowledge that can be leveraged by climate
educators and communicators throughout American society, including local, state, and national
governments, academic institutions, environmental organizations, businesses, faith groups, doctors
and scientists, and the media. Successfully addressing this challenge will require a diversity of messages, messengers, and methods, each tailored to meet the needs of different target audiences. This research provides a solid foundation, grounded in social science, to facilitate the changes required to achieve a transition to a low-carbon future.