republicEn Articles

Chelsea Henderson of Mason 4C’s ‘republicEn’ project authors compelling new climate book

We are pleased to announce the release of a new book, Glacial: The Inside Story of Climate Politics, authored by Chelsea Henderson, director of editorial content at republicEn, a project of Mason 4C. Glacial: The Inside Story of Climate...

Which Republicans are worried about global warming?

Climate change is a politically divisive topic in the U.S., and this divide has grown over the past decade. Although Democrats are more likely to have pro-climate opinions, there are also many Republicans – particularly liberal/moderate Republicans – ...

Not All Republicans Think Alike About Global Warming

The new Republican leaders in Congress have pledged to roll back the EPA’s proposed new regulations on coal-fired power plants – a key component of President Obama’s strategy to reduce global warming. However, Republican voters are actually split in their views about...

A National Survey of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents on Energy and Climate Change

This short report is based on a January 2013 national survey of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents. We found that they prefer clean energy as the basis of America’s energy future and say the benefits of clean energy, such as energy independence (66%)...

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