Like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice from Disney’s Fantasia, many people in today’s society are experiencing a rapidly...
2012 Articles
“Fracking” in the American Mind: Americans’ Views on Hydraulic Fracturing in September 2012
In our September 2012 Climate Change in the American Mind survey, we asked respondents to answer a series of questions...
The Potential Impact of Global Warming on the 2012 Presidential Election
A new national survey of Americans finds that among likely voters, 11% remain undecided about their vote for...
Extreme Weather and Climate Change in the American Mind: September 2012
A large and growing majority of Americans (74%, up 5 points since our last national survey in March 2012) say “global...
Climate Change in the American Mind: Americans’ Global Warming Beliefs and Attitudes in September 2012
Americans’ belief in the reality of global warming has increased by 13 percentage points over the past two and a half...
Americans’ Actions to Limit Global Warming: September 2012
The number of Americans who say they “always” or “often” walk or bike instead of driving – though still a minority –...
The Political Benefits of Taking a Pro-Climate Stand in 2013: September 2012
This brief report examines findings from our previously released September 2012 nationwide Climate Change in the...
Global Warming’s Six Americas, September 2012
In this update on Global Warming’s Six Americas, we report that the Alarmed have grown from 10 percent of the American...
Do People “Personally Experience” Global Warming, and If So How, and Does It Matter?
For most people, the direct and personally observable signals of climate change should be difficult to detect amid the...
The Legacy of “Climategate:” Undermining or Revitalizing Climate Science and Policy?
In mid-November 2009, emails were removed without authorization from a University of East Anglia server and posted to...
A Public Health Frame Arouses Hopeful Emotions about Climate Change
Communication researchers and practitioners have suggested that framing climate change in terms of public health...
Extreme Weather, Climate Preparedness in the American Mind: March 2012
In 2011, Americans experienced a record-breaking 14 weather and climate disasters that each caused $1 billion or more...
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