By Jennifer Carman, Seth Rosenthal, Edward Maibach, John Kotcher, Xinran Wang, Jennifer...
2020 Articles
Informal Science Education on the NASA Climate Change Website
Download the report here The report summarizes the results of a nationally representative survey of 1,050 American...
Climate Matters: A 2020 Census Survey of Society of Environmental Journalists Members
This report provides the initial findings from an online census survey of Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ)...
Politics & Global Warming: April 2020
Drawing on a nationally representative survey (N = 1,029; including 911 registered voters), this report describes how...
Who do Americans trust most for information about COVID-19?
Jennifer Marlon, Edward Maibach, Matthew Ballew, Parrish Bergquist, Matthew Goldberg, Abel Gustafson, John Kotcher,...
Climate Change in the American Mind: April 2020
Our latest national survey finds that, in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic, American public opinion about climate...
Americans’ Risk Perceptions and Emotional Responses to COVID-19: April 2020
Drawing on a scientific national survey (N = 3,933; including 3,188 registered voters), this report describes how...
Young adults, across party lines, are more willing to take climate action
Matthew Ballew, Jennifer Marlon, John Kotcher, Edward Maibach, Seth Rosenthal, Parrish Bergquist, Abel Gustafson,...
New Poll: Voters Prioritize Directing Stimulus Funds to Clean Energy Rather Than to Fossil Fuels
We are pleased to release a new poll today that finds American voters want politicians to listen to scientists and...
American Public Responses to COVID-19: April 2020
Drawing on a scientific national survey (N = 3,933; including 3,188 registered voters), this report describes...
Which racial/ethnic groups care most about climate change?
Matthew Ballew, Edward Maibach, John Kotcher, Parrish Bergquist, Seth Rosenthal, Jennifer Marlon, Anthony Leiserowitz...
Voters in Upcoming 2020 Primary States Support Climate Action
As the Democratic presidential primary gets underway, a new survey finds voters in the 26 states with Democratic...
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