Annual Reports
In our annual reports, you will find stories of our people and our accomplishments. We also acknowledge our funders, our partners, and our friends who our work possible. On behalf of all at Mason 4C, thank you for your interest in and generous support of our work.
We empower trusted voices for climate action.
Our team of researchers, practitioners, and students at the Center for Climate Change Communication (Mason 4C) are producing important research insights and leading influential programs that increase public engagement with climate change.
Our “communities of practice” approach supports these voices in communities across America—TV weathercasters and local journalists, doctors and other health professionals, and conservative Americans who want to do the right thing for their children and grandchildren, and more—to help them illuminate the impacts of climate change in their community and develop climate solutions.
Support Our Work
The work of Mason’s Center for Climate Change Communication (4C) would not be possible without the generous financial support we have received from philanthropic foundations and individual donors.
You too can support our important work by donating via a secure online donation form. Your financial contribution will be processed on our behalf by the George Mason University Foundation, and is tax deductible.