This report provides initial findings from the fourth nationally representative survey of broadcast meteorologists conducted by George Mason University and partner organizations (American Meteorological Society, Climate Central, NASA, NOAA, National Weather Association and Yale University) with National Science Foundation funding. The aim of these surveys – the first three of which were conducted in 2010, 2011, and 2015 – is to explore broadcast meteorologists’ views about climate change, and their views and activities related to reporting on climate change. The current survey differed slightly from the previous three in that, for the first time, we began the survey with a broader focus to better understand broadcast meteorologist’ day-to-day activities and engagement with their viewership. These topics included: the relative priority of forecasting and reporting versus other educational activities; use of different communication channels, including social media outreach; the use of outdoor activity forecasts; and the influence of news consultants on the weather segment. Download the Report Here.