Download the Report This report provides the initial findings from an online census survey of U.S.-based television...
Climate Matters Articles
A 2017 national survey of broadcast meteorologists
Broadcast meteorologists are increasingly playing an important role across America as trusted, local climate change...
TV Meteorologists as Local Climate Change Educators
Five years ago – in partnership with Climate Central and WLTX (Columbia, SC) – we tested the premise that if TV...
A 2016 Survey of American Meteorological Society Members About Climate Change
This report provides findings from the national survey of American Meteorological Society (AMS) member views on...
A 2016 National Survey of Broadcast Meteorologists
This report provides initial findings from the fourth nationally representative survey of broadcast meteorologists...
A 2016 National Study of Broadcast Meteorologists
Download report here This report provides initial findings from the fourth nationally representative survey of...
Climate Matters: A Comprehensive Educational Resource Program for Broadcast Meteorologists
Global climate change is influencing the weather in every region of the United States, often in harmful ways, and...
A 2015 National Survey of Broadcast Meteorologists about Climate Change
A 2015 National Survey of Broadcast Meteorologists about Climate Change - Below are results from...
Weathercaster Views on Informal Climate Education: Similarities and Differences According to Climate Change Attitudes
Surveys have found that weathercaster views on climate change are diverse, with a large majority agreeing that climate...
Climate Change Education through TV Weathercasts: Results of a Field Experiment
A field study shows that on-air and online education provided by a TV meteorologist over the course of one year...
If They Like You They Learn From You: How a Brief Weathercaster-Delivered Climate Education Segment is Moderated by Viewer Evaluations of the Weathercaster
Local television (TV) weathercasters are a potentially promising source of climate education, in that weather is the...
Perceptions of Extreme Weather and Climate Change in Virginia
This report presents findings from a telephone survey of 2,000 adult local TV news viewers about their perceptions of...
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