This report provides findings from the national survey of American Meteorological Society (AMS) member views on...
Climate Matters Articles
A 2016 National Survey of Broadcast Meteorologists
This report provides initial findings from the fourth nationally representative survey of broadcast meteorologists...
A 2016 National Study of Broadcast Meteorologists
Download report here This report provides initial findings from the fourth nationally representative survey of...
American Meteorological Society Member Survey on Global Warming: Preliminary Findings, February 2012
We collaborated with the American Meteorological Society (AMS) to assess AMS members’ perspectives about climate...
A National Survey of Television Meteorologists About Climate Change Education, June 2011
With funding from the National Science Foundation, we assessed TV weathercasters' views about their potential role as...
ClimateGate Undermined Belief in Global Warming Among Many TV Meteorologists
“Climategate”—the unauthorized release of, and news stories about, e-mails between climate scientists in the United...
America’s TV Weathercasters as Informal Climate Change Educators
Our surveys of the public have shown that many Americans are looking to their local TV weathercasters for information...
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