Six Americas Articles

Changes in Global Warming’s Six Americas: An analysis of repeat respondents

We are pleased to announce the publication of a new article, “Changes in Global Warming’s Six Americas: An analysis of repeat respondents” in the journal Climatic Change. The Global Warming’s Six Americas framework describes six climate change audiences...

Support for climate justice across Global Warming’s Six Americas

Photo by Fabrice Florin / Flickr Climate justice is an essential component of addressing climate change. The groups and nations that have historically contributed least to the causes of climate change are experiencing the most harm  from it. These harms, in turn,...

Global Warming’s Six Americas, Fall 2023

In 2009, we identified Global Warming’s Six Americas – the Alarmed, Concerned, Cautious, Disengaged, Doubtful, and Dismissive – which represent distinct climate opinion audiences within the American public. The Alarmed are the most worried about global warming and the...

Global Warming’s Six Americas across age, race/ethnicity, and gender

April 5, 2023 The Global Warming’s Six Americas framework is an audience segmentation approach to understanding the spectrum of people’s responses to global warming. The Alarmed and Concerned are the segments that are most likely to think that global warming is...

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